Combat Simulator
This project is mainly focus on building a dynamic combat system for action games or action RPG.
The purpose of this practice is for me to
1. Learning how to build a combat system that allows player to do multiple attack patterns.
2. Experience ways for adding juiceness on dealing and receiving damage.
3. Make enemy have differnt reaction from player's attack.
4. Create a battle area and manage the enemy to only attack player in a frequency that player can handle.
I will keep updating the latest progress I made for this project and hopefully you can enjoy it!
Unity, Git
3 weeks
Animation Events
In order to create a combo system, I need to make a script overlook the timing when player hit the attack button to determine whether player can go to next combo animation. I find out using animation event will be easier to manage for controlling the combo checking timing. Also, using animation event can be beneficial when we want to control the VFX and hit trigger by animation frame count. As a result, I planned out my animation events like below.
1. Combo Checking - This event define the duration of combo checking. If the player hit Attack button during the "Start" and "End" events, the script will note that the next animation will be the next combo animation.
2. Hit Trigger Control - This event define the timing to turn on or off hit trigger.
3. Play Attack VFX - This event tells the attack VFX to start playing.
4. Attack Ended - This event will check whether the player had trigger the next combo during Combo Checking. If true, the script will tell the animator transition to next combo animation. If false, the script will let the animator transition back to Idle.
Combo introduction
1. Slash type combo (Melee1)
In this current progress, I have 2 buttons for the player to do the attack. First, Left Mouse button is for slash type combo(I called it Melee1), and player can chain up to 5 combos by clicking the left mouse button.
2. Prick type combo (Melee2)
Second, Right Mouse button is for prick type combo(I called it Melee2), and player can chain up to 4 combos by clicking the left mouse button.
3. Melee2 charge attack
Player can use right mouse button to do a charge attack by holding the Right Mouse button for 1 second then release.
Derive system
Now it's time to connect these Melee types together to form more patterns of combos.
1. Slash type combo to prick type combo
In the Melee1 combo, the combo3 is a prick type attack. It's actually a good timing for player to change to prick combo, so I made it allows player to transition to melee2 when click right mouse button during melee1 combo 3.
The button sequence will be L > L > L > R > R > R > R
2. Prick type combo to slash type combo
Same for the Melee2 combo, the combo4 is a slash type attack. Play can also transition to Melee1 combo here.
The button sequence will be R > R > R > R > L > L > L > L > L